Follow Your Bliss

April 19, 2021
April 19, 2021
April 19, 2021

For me, there is no greater high than finding the right words, putting them in the right order, and realizing the riff resonates. And, then (oh joy!) the riff resonates with others. Writing does that. Well, any art can do that. There are several pieces of art that over the years have taken my breath away, that I can gaze into for a nice chunk of time, and come away feeling as though my soul has been fed. And there is music that I can listen to a hundred times and feel that same initial bliss rise within me, confirming that I am alive! Okay, so where is all this going? Well, I don’t only want to share with you my journey and the buzz I get from the arts; I want to help you think about who you are, what creative products have touched you in your life, and which ones you might like to try your hand at. I recently spent almost 100 days in an international creative workshop. Creatives (that’s what we call ourselves) of all kinds are creating and sharing and encouraging each other and the feeling of love is palpable and is a daily experience of bliss. And I want to encourage you to find that creative experience that will fill you with joy. We will explore this more next time.

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell