Ecospiritual Balance

September 26, 2022
September 26, 2022
September 26, 2022

Spirituality is different from religion. Religion is based on dogma created over time as a way of forming community and, too often, control. It is very much Earth-based. Although there are instances of spiritual awareness within various religions, these are overwhelmingly based on the singular moments of physical manifestation when nature inspired thought and action. For example the changing of the seasons from one of sowing to one of growing, to one of reaping, and then to silent replenishment of the earth is not based on prayer, but rather the natural order. People like to think they have control over these aspects of their environment by praying to an idea of a higher power for good weather for growing and a successful harvest. In reality, nature provides the seed, the rain, and the sunlight necessary for this time of reaping. Nature knows how to tend to itself and us without intervention from a “higher” power, aware that the omnipresent spiritual energy imbues everything on the planet. It is the spiritual energy that manifests the seed, the rain, the plant, and the sunshine. Nature is well aware of this and is fortified by it. It is only when humankind, blinded by the idea that we have dominion over everything that things can go horribly wrong, the balance inherent in nature becomes unsteady, and humankind, not understanding their own part of the natural world, destroys by polluting the waters and the air and the natural order of things. Ecospirituality is the awareness that the environment around us is imbued with the same spiritual essence as we are and that by working in harmony and community, we can attain the balance that the spiritual framework provides, and that it is this interdependent web within which everything exists in all time and space.

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Website designed by Brier Mitchell