Manifest Your Own Chapter

January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022

The challenge is to become aware, truly aware that you are a spirit having a physical experience of your own design, containing all your pre-planned choices. You can access moments of this awareness through meditation and focus throughout the day on the spark within and the awe inspiring manifestation of the outer universe, which of course lives within you. The more you make this union, this symbiotic reality part of your life, the more open you will become to the messages, yearnings, and urges of your soul within the greater I AM, i.e., the Creative Spirit, and become part of the creative dance of the universe. In this is not only the creation, the initial spark, but your opportunity to create as part of the source energy that flows to and through us. Meditate daily to find the peace that lives within you. Use that energy to create and manifest your own chapter in the great story.

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell