Sitting in meditation, I am listening to audio of monks intoning “Om.” I am breathing and thinking and seeking the gaps in the awareness of breath and thought. Then, I become aware that there is a harmonic resonating around the Om tonality and that this is the space in which the energy of creation resides. My breath is the portal through which the awareness is shared and the invitation to move into that space given. I listen more closely. There are several tones creating harmonics around the Om, which is the sound of the universe. There are different spaces that all converge within the one space that connects the universe within and without into oneness of purpose. It is here that writing occurs, that poetry is received, that all creative acts manifest, including our own being. It is our duty to enter this space to manifest our world through acts of creation, which exist in and through the energy of love, which binds everything and everyone into oneness. It is the energy of the original creation. Om.