We are experiencing what I perceive as a spiritual evolution but I recently came across the term “conscious evolution” and it would seem these terms embrace different aspects of the same journey to higher awareness, which, further, is directed toward the fulfillment of our journey to and beyond this place at this time.Everything that is happening on this planet—from climate change to political upheaval to challenges to the previous, and pernicious, social constructs, to the global pandemic that threatens our physical as well as emotional realities—serves as catalysts toward our evolution of conscious and spiritual awareness. More than ever, I see this planet as fertile ground on which to change the dynamics of our very existence, both on the physical as well as the spiritual planes.As each of us is touched by the incessant and insistent challenges that surround us, as well as live within us, we are being prompted to examine who and what we are and who and what we hope to be. When we see those who are creating burdens rather than uplifting us, we need to accept this as a call for change, acting individually and in community to not accept what is seeking to destroy us and instead finding peaceful ways in which to co-exist as we work toward harmonious conscious and spiritual growth. We can comport ourselves in the manner that we see as a path of sustainable environmental and societal advancement toward a common cause of meeting the negative forces that surround us with the more powerful forces of positive thought and action. As a writer and creative, I see my path, in part, to be one of offering inspiration as well as solace as we tread these difficult times. I believe firmly in the adage that the pen is mightier than the sword, and I think this goes as much for any type of creative endeavor that meets travail with an expression of productive hope and peace to push back those who wish to overwhelm us in order to keep the status quo.I keep being reminded that I am a child of the universe, that we are all children of the universe, here now to learn from each other and grow together toward the higher vibration that is awaiting us, to manifest the awareness of what and who we really are, and to light a path for others to follow.