April 27, 2023

April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023

As we examine our lives at this time, in this moment, we can find that we are clinging to ideas and dogmas that are not our own and do not fit comfortably with who we are. This can lead to a disconnection from who we really are and what our spirit really needs to grow in this lifetime for the betterment of our self and for the All. When we allow others to define who we are, what we should do, how we should live, and what we should believe, we leave ourselves open to being controlled by those we are listening to. That control robs us of our personal strength to grow and leaves us open to finding ourselves mired in ideas that are not grown from the fertile garden of love and peace. Often, those trying to control others through dogma use fear and hatred to grow their personal power to the detriment of the All. When we release dogma and embrace our personal beliefs and dreams, we live within the sustaining and informing spirit of the Creative Spirit. Namaste! https://www.tobiehewitt.com/contact.html to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento; https://www.redbubble.com/shop/artbyjoy)

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell