March 22, 2023

March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023

When one is touched by disaster and tragedy, we are all touched by the same challenges. Nothing happens in isolation, everything touches everything and everyone else. What touches one, touches the All. Our responsibility is to reach out across any ideologies or other differences that divide us and realize the commonality of our physical experience. In sharing the burden of another, we ease their load, their distress, and instead of adding their troubles to our own, we are able to lift these up to the Creative Spirit who, knowing that even the most destructive occurrences are yet part of an illusion created to serve the mandate for growth, washes away our shared distress through the energy of love. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento;

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell