Those in human form seem to need the idea of punishment and atonement in order to assuage their feelings of guilt over thoughts and actions that are not subject to moral judgment in the larger, interdependent web. When we are small, we believe that stepping on a crack will break our mother’s back. We may even feel guilt when we err and do indeed step on that divide. As we grow older, we realize there is no correlation, but we retain the idea of guilt and the need to atone. This idea of atonement for “sins” translates into some believing that every natural disaster is somehow punishment for the actions of a few or of the many. The Creative Spirit does not require atonement, knowing that no tragedy occurs to punish, but solely to allow for growth and enlightenment. When disasters occur, we are called to act as our higher selves in compassion and empathy through the energy of love. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento;