March 26, 2023

March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023

We have all felt love, either expressing it toward another person or receiving it. It is a warm and glowing feeling that makes us feel happy, secure, and complete. When we think of the emotion of love, we think of sharing it with a relative, a friend, or a special someone. In other words, the emotion of love is expressed between individuals. The energy of love, on the other hand, is expressed in a more all-encompassing manner. It is an energy that is sent out broadly, without a specific person in mind, but rather, toward the world around us, including not simply people, but all living beings, animal and plant alike. The energy of love swells from within us and reaches out toward the All. Close your eyes and try sending the energy of love out from the area of your heart chakra. Do not think of a specific person, but rather, send it with no specific recipient in mind. As you feel this love energy expanding, you will begin to sense a strong feeling of love coming toward you, filling you with an undeniable feeling of fulfillment and peace. When we send the energy of love outward throughout the interdependent web, we receive an abundance of radiant love energy in return. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento;

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Website designed by Brier Mitchell