May 24, 2023

May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023

Incarnate spirit has a propensity for making things harder than they need to be. The basic instruction from the Creative Spirit seems, in general, to love each other and to love the One. This is a bit redundant because we are all aspects of the One, and in loving each other, we are automatically loving the One. All other rules of religion, then, need to be directly related to this call to love. Unfortunately, micromanaging seems to be the purview of those in power; in order to retain that power, many, many rules have been created over the years, written down, and set to serve as the basis for a wide variety of religions. Even though Masters have incarnated over the years to correct these dogmas, humankind has stubbornly decided to embellish the simple message into a complicated and convoluted one that invites all sorts of mischief and bad behavior. The message from the Masters echoes the simple one from the Creative Spirit: love each other, love the One. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento;

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Website designed by Brier Mitchell