May 28, 2023

May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023

When we find ourselves in a state of distress or worry, we can appeal to those in spirit to come to our aid and provide us comfort, solace, and support. We never have to experience anything as a solitary being in the universe. We always have help available to us 24/7. Just as we could call a friend or family member for help on this plane, we can also appeal not only to those in spirit for guidance and help, but also to our spirit self, which is always connected to the All. With practice, we can discern the voice of spirit and learn to trust the input that we receive when we ask. One way to do this is to remember to keep a notebook in which to write both our questions and needs and the responses we receive. Over time, it will become apparent that there is an unmistakable conversation occurring through which we can receive guidance and help. Spirit is available to help us on our path through this life. We only need to ask for help and listen well. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento;

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell