November 21: Staying Centered

November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023

The energies that surround us can bring us peace and calm or serve to agitate and distract us from our path. When we find ourselves trembling with an energy that is not our own and which causes us distress and discomfort, we need to take a deep cleansing breath and allow those negative vibrations to flow away from us without impacting our being. In times of high stress, when we are unable to focus on staying in the moment of peace, we can light a candle and allow its flame to remind us of the flame that exists inside of us. When we remember we are a light that is a part of the All, we can remain centered, and give thanks. Namaste!

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell