October 31: The Veil Thins

October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023
October 31, 2023

As we sit quietly and peacefully, white candles lit to dispel darkness, we wait expectantly for our departed loved ones to once more join us. As our spirits reach out across the veil, our light serves as a beacon, illuminating the path that the discarnate spirits can follow to join us in celebration of eternal love. Now the way is made easy to enjoy the company of those with whom we share a never ending bond. By any name, this night and tomorrow create a portal through which spirits can communicate as we embrace each other in the energy of love. Namaste! https://www.tobiehewitt.com/contact.html to join my mailing list. 

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell