As a human being

October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024

As a human being, we all make mistakes, we all come with different perspectives of who we are, and thus who other people are. So that doesn’t always reflect the truth because we neither know who we are or who the other person is because everything is being shaded by perspectives that we don’t have any control over unless we really put our soul first and think about what we’re doing and what we’re feeling and why we’re thinking and feeling these things and so it’s not the fact that that there’s been pain, thrust on somebody. It’s that we have not widened our perspective to understand that pain is a response to our own misunderstanding of what another person is thinking and feeling and doing. It’s very difficult to crawl inside the mind of someone to find out what their motivation is at this moment. It’s only when you connect soul to soul heart to heart that you begin to see and understand what is actually happening in the mind of another person and it is that knowledge from the soul, from the spirit that raises the vibration to understand what is going on with that person and that effort is called empathy. And without empathy, we’ve become a little bit like automatons. Acting and reacting as though we don’t have a soul, as though we don’t have a spirit, as though we are just individuated from another person when indeed we are connected. So when it seems like someone is acting aberrantly towards you, they’re not doing any such thing. They are acting inside themselves with that energy, that is not connected to soul, to spirit. They are thinking with the animal part of their brain, which is neither created nor destroyed while they’re alive, but when they pass, that animal brain is released. And the freedom of the soul, the spirit to act and react as such allows us to work through the empathy vibration to connect with another human being on a viable level that creates love where it seems impossible. And we need to understand that the more that we live within this animal brain, the worse things become. But if we open our heart and our spirit to the empathy vibration we can connect to the other person on that level and find that there is commonality and peace between us.

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell