Begin Again

September 2, 2024
September 2, 2024
September 2, 2024

Explanation: As I throw all caution to the wind and start sharing bits and pieces of my writing— fiction, non-fiction, and channeled writing (a lot of my writing is channeled). Quaint word. As though I am a radio searching for and finding a station to listen to. It is the other way around. The universe is the radio and it is continuously searching for those open enough to listen and take dictation. And share. So there is the truth. I have never written anything that has not been inspired or dictated by something beyond my five senses. In school, when I did not know an answer, I asked the universe for help and correctly applied their input to the test. 

Normally, before the information or guidance starts flowing, I turn on the computer, create a fresh page, take a cleansing breath and say, as I did below, “I am listening.” Then I start typing without the internal editor trying to change things that are pouring through me and onto the screen. Oftentimes, I am surprised by the content I have captured. When they are done, they politely say something like “That is all for now.” And I express gratitude for being allowed to serve.

So there is the explanation, and here is the first input I have chosen to share. 

The Pause Before Leaping

I am listening.

The space, the gap between thinking and doing can be as long or short as a nanosecond and a lifetime. Waiting to do the things that must be done for survival (yours and the planet) is an act of fear and fraught with inherent folly. We are the net. We will never let you fall between the spaces. We have placed beings to take the messages from us to the others, whether they want to hear or not. There is a river that flows through the entire universe. It is the quantum entanglement (you need to read more about this) and everything is entangled in it as it spreads out from here to the far unknown regions. We know them. You do not, you cannot. Their being unknown invites you to think beyond your so called finite thinking and expand into the space that is within you and outside of you, that expands as your mind expands. It is said there is a net that will appear when you leap. There is no net as you imagine it. The growth is leaping and knowing there is no net. You cannot live by thinking there is always an out. Something to catch you. There is no action toward failure. Life is leaping into the unknown and learning to overcome the trepidation of not knowing where or if you will land safely, or just keep flying through space without a parachute, without a net. That is where the freedom of being lives. In the space of leaping and allowing not knowing to lead you on. That is all for now.

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell