Wordsmith Lightworkers

February 13, 2024
February 13, 2024
February 13, 2024

Sometimes I look into the mirror and in the nanosecond before my brain registers what my eyes are seeing, I sense the flicker of awareness that this is not, in many senses, real. Yes, this is the physical me at this moment in time in this lifetime, this incarnation on this planet. But am I this only? I lean in and look more deeply. There is a me that knows it is in all times and spaces here and now. I expand beyond my body. I am that spark that lights into the deeper recesses of the universe, this universe, and I wonder if there is something I am missing, something I am not seeing in this mirror created by human hands. What if I could see beyond this physical mirror and capture the reflection of the connection to the light beyond, the oneness beyond, and rather than simply washing my face, I contemplate washing the negative vibrations that are trying to douse the light herenow. Lightworkers ask such questions, knowing that the answers are a feeling, a sense, rather than something that is captured in words. Beyond the words, there is a message, a meaning. Beyond the words that wordsmith lightworkers capture on the fly, there is an intelligence that begs to be known, urges to be shared, and these are the words that seek to heal the darkness and breathe more deeply into the light.

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell