Woodpecker Ascension

January 21, 2025
January 21, 2025
January 21, 2025

January 20, 2025

The red-headed woodpecker seemed poised to start pecking away at the new seedlog we had hung from the shepherd’s crook by the river. I was pleased to see it had found the log. I looked back a moment later and he was in the same position. Probably getting ready to go at it, I thought. A few minutes later, there he was, in the same position. I wondered if he was somehow frozen to the log, but I could see the faintest sideways twitch of his beak. 

“What do you think he’s doing? Could he be frozen?” I asked Gary, who spends his early mornings interacting with ultra conservatives, explaining some aspect of reality.

He looked up at me and then out at our visitor and shook his head no, his mind embroiled in some deep discussion about the word oligarchy and freedom of the people, or some such thing.

I turned my head again; the bird had not made any move to enjoy his breakfast.

“What on earth?” I wondered. And that question birthed the answer. He was basking in the vibrations of the expanding fifth dimension! He was grasping not the log, but the spiritual ascension that was happening around and in him. Cool!

I have been experiencing my own spiritual ascension for months now, as we shift into the expansive expression of the age of Aquarius after the 2000 or so years mired in the age of Pisces. That had been a long, and often painful span of time, a gyre spiraling toward its end and letting go so the next widening gyre could breathe through the current birth pangs as we begin a new timeline on Earth.

Of course newness, a change in direction and understanding, would/will require those mired in the past to fight harder to hold onto those bygone not-so-often halcyon days of supremacy and its varied inherent discriminations. They clench onto a past that is about to lose traction on this plane.

Quick lesson: There are many dimensions of existence. We live in four dimensions (height, width, and depth, which create our 3-D awareness, plus time  ), but because we are materialistically bound, we refer to it as a 3-D world. But there are more and more vibrationally charged dimensions that abound, as quantum physics and entanglements are proving. At the beginning of the Aquarian age, the fifth dimension, inherently spiritual in nature, began expanding toward the other four. 

As an aware spirit having a physical experience, I began to sense an increase in the vibration of the spiritual on this plane a few months ago. It feels a bit like an aerated nanobubble field expanding within the frame in which I live. Those who are aware of such things non-dogmatically spiritual started to post on social media about the new dimension and its effect on our lives. It was very cool to have confirmation that I wasn’t imagining what I was feeling. I love when science and spirituality entwine to create a better truth than what we currently sense.

So, then I recognized that the social and political challenges we are experiencing, the difficulty in communication and understanding, is caused by the differences in awareness of the 3-D world and the 5-D world, which are now existing within the same time/space, and therefore causing discomfort to those not aware of this growth on the planet and within us. They are fighting for what they know, not for what is emerging, which could dismantle their need to hold onto an often dystopian past, instead of embracing the ever evolving future.

I believe the woodpecker, unshackled by a need to cling to the past as he was clinging to his seed log, experienced the effervescent embrace that was manifesting within him. I hope we all can take a moment to absorb the dynamic energies of the fifth dimension, the spiritual dimension, and discover we are more than we think we are.

Copyright 2025 Tobie Hewitt
Website designed by Brier Mitchell