Welcome to Episode 76 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will continue to consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. As I said at the end of last week’s episode, a major part of pathwork has to do with opening yourself to the information and inspiration of your intuitive mind. It is, after all, connected to your esoteric body, which contains your spirit, and, in that, knows what your life-plan is and the pathwork you are supposed to be pursuing. And if you train yourself to listen carefully to your intuition, you will find that your intuition is a part of the creative flow of the universe, and then you will have opened yourself to the guidance necessary to inform the very core of what you are and what your life is supposed to be like. At some point in the last couple of weeks, as I started my daily writing practice of capturing 1000 words, I glanced at the clock. I sometimes like to know how long it takes for me to reach that magic 1000 number. Sometimes it is far less than an hour and sometimes I find I need to get ready for my day, and I finish the writing later. Anyway, as I glanced at the clock, it read 5:55. I have since then run into this series of 5s several times, and I looked up what it meant. One of the meanings offered is that I should expect changes moving me closer to my divine purpose. Well, I think that is a fine and confirming message that I have a divine purpose, which, of course, we all have. There are two ways of thinking---with the ego-mind or with the intuitive-mind. A lot of the events of recent times are occurring because people are thinking with their ego minds and not listening to their intuition. Ego mind’s guidance demands the pursuit of power and the accumulation of wealth. In other words, the over-accumulation of material goods. It has nothing to do with the mindful advancement of the planet, but, rather, the self-centered advancement of the individual, and, in this case, the self-centered advancement of many ego-centric folks. All of this could easily be tempered by simply listening to the intuitive mind, which always works for the greater good. But, how do we open ourselves to the intuitive mind when we have been trained to ignore its messages? People, especially those in authority, like parents and teachers like to tell us as we grow and learn that the only way to succeed is to put one’s nose to the grindstone and work, work, work. We are trained at school in many mundane ideas that we will never use while at the same time we learn nothing about using mindfulness techniques to open ourselves to utilizing the intuition to gain knowledge and inspiration. This, of course, is changing as more and more schools are building mindfulness training into at least a part of the day. Mindfulness keeps us centered and calm, seeking peace and sharing empathy and compassion. I truly hope that this new paradigm grows with these students to create a new way of dealing with stressors and issues that infiltrate our daily lives, and through that, change for the better our nation and the planet. I am very lucky. I have been aware of my intuition and the larger universe with which it is connected from a very early age. I had a spirit guide, Roger, who both taught me and protected me as I grew into being a mystic. I always knew that the best method of learning and coping was to become very calm (I would recognize this as meditation later on) and to listen carefully to the inner voice and the energies of the universe, which guided me as I grew older. I use my intuition for even the simplest things. If I have misplaced something, I always stop, take a calming breath, and say aloud, “Show me where my (whatever it is) is.” This has come in handy as I have moved and many of my belongings are still packed, and I have had little time to unpack. But, I need certain things now and so I ask where a thing is and the location is then flashed into my mind and I go to that spot and open a drawer or a box or lift a haphazardly placed blanket, and there it is. I swear this happens more than you can perhaps imagine, but it is how I run my life. If I need to know where something is, or need some information, I simply ask and I am guided by my intuitive mind, which is connected to the all-knowing, all-seeing universe, and the answer is shown to me. This ability was especially helpful during exams in school when the answer to a question would allude me. I would unobtrusively close my eyes for a moment, take a calming breath, and ask the universe for help. Oftentimes, this answer was something I know I did not learn, but it would pop into my head and I would indicate that answer and it was invariably correct. Now, some may say this is cheating, but I don’t think it is cheating to ask the universe for help in any circumstance. Surely you have moments of knowing. Perhaps you knew who was calling you when the phone rang, or maybe knew you were going to run into someone who had been on your mind. Or said in exasperation, Where is my hairbrush (or whatever)? and then felt led to exactly where you find it. Asking the universe for help is your way of tuning your intuition into the vibrational pathway, otherwise known as the interdependent web, which holds the answer. It does take practice, but mostly it takes trust in something unseen that interacts with something seen in order to provide you with the desired knowledge. When I prepare these episodes, it is a group effort. I am always listening for the guidance on which direction to go with the topic and once that is in place, I receive the words that flow from the universe through my intuitive mind, into my physical mind and can be utilized by my fingers as I type them on the keyboard. Which reminds me to mention further the esoteric body and your path. The esoteric body is formed as your spirit begins to enter your new body as you incarnate. It consists of layers of energy that both protect the spirit inhabiting a body but also communicates vibrationally between the physical body and the spiritual body, which I know sounds like a circular definition, but it is a larger topic than is needed for this discussion of intuition. The ego mind is part of the physical body’s mind and the intuitive mind is part of the spiritual body’s mind. Before you begin a new incarnation, you and your guides discuss what you need to learn in this new life, and build a plan for you to follow. When you are born, for quite a while, you remember details of the plan and I often think a lot of a baby’s crying is due to the desire to get on with the plan. Of course, one must relearn how to move the physical body and to talk, etc. The plan becomes a subliminal framework that your spirit and intuition know, but your physical body and mind do not. Sometimes, you will have a flash of a place you have never been but you feel a strong urge to visit or even move there. Once in the location, you will experience a sense of familiarity. You will know this is where you are meant to be at that moment. Of course this can be as small as walking into a library, being drawn to a shelf, and finding a book that you recognize will answer a question you have, or as large as what happened to me when I first drove onto the property on which I now live. I recognized it immediately. I had seen it intuitively for years, right down to the gently rising knoll before I saw the flowing river beside which I am now writing. Of course, the recognition of a place you have never been to can also be explained by having been there in a previous lifetime. More on that in a future episode. The more we train ourselves to listen to our intuition, the more help we can receive from the universe. This training can take the form of daily meditation, reading about the development of the intuitive mind, beginning to test your trust in information that you receive, and, through daily writing, beginning to write out questions and feel yourself writing down answers you did not know you knew. Developing our intuition is the basis for being able to pursue our pathwork with purpose and clarity. And I am glad you are here with me as we both journey on our paths. If you have questions or experiences you would like to share, please write to me through the contact page on my website, TobieHewitt.com. Please visit the Mystic Musings by Tobie Hewitt section of this site to find links to the podcast version of this episode.
Welcome to Episode 75 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will continue to consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. One of the ways I knew things were changing, as I said last week, was when I wanted to curtail my readings. But how did I determine that this was the correct path to take? I take helping other people learn about themselves as individual spirits connected to the oneness of the Creative Spirit very seriously. How could I stop doing this? Giving readings had become, in many ways uncomfortable mentally and even physically, as the idea alone would sap my energy. I finally sat down and spoke with those spirits I know are around me, Roger and Nakoma, and I could sense there were others who wanted to have input. I sensed that the consensus was that I needed to take a break, at the very least from the stress that the readings were now filling me with. I felt a bit guilty for a while, but then, having made the decision, I realized that it didn’t mean ALL readings FOREVER. It meant taking a break, for some indeterminate amount of time, from giving readings. Of course, that is when a client I have read for for 14 years called for her yearly check in. I will schedule her when I feel more centered to do so. She understands. In the meantime, I also realized that some things, activities I normally procrastinate about, were happening without much effort at all. I became aware that there seemed to be a sense of an awareness of a feeling leading me to do or not to do something with an insistence I had not experienced before on such a regular basis. I knew part of this was my intuition tuning in to what I wanted rather than what I felt I needed to do to fulfill some aspect of self. It meant that my recognition of self changed into the one I had always envisioned, but never quite had the wherewithal to pursue. There is a questioning that takes place and sometimes the answer occurs immediately and sometimes after a few days. It is a feeling of rightness, some of which occurs when I write down in my journal what it is I want and then see if that rings true. Also, I have gotten sync moments when a word or phrase is expressed in two different ways, say reading it and hearing it simultaneously on the radio or tv. Confirmation never takes very long, but it takes some practice to live this way continually. One thing that occurs to let me know I am fulfilling both my desires and those of the universe, is that the way is made easy. For example, writing these new episodes has become quite easy, words flowing and ideas being captured without much effort whatsoever. When life begins to flow smoothly, like the river outside my window, I know that I am fulfilling the vision for my life I established before I incarnated into this life. I have resumed daily writing practice. This means, I sit down at somewhat the same time every day, approximately between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m., and write. I aim for 1,000 words, which I know sounds like a lot, but I write very quickly, especially as I am helped by Spirit. I am usually done within an hour. I may select a topic from my growing list of ideas that I save in my phone’s notes section, or take a few deep breaths and start wherever I am supposed to start, which I know sounds a little bewildering, but it is truly the best way to start and to continue. I turn off ego-mind and tune in to intuition-mind. It is like stream-of-consciousness writing, but, unlike that writing practice, I do pause and pay attention to what the universe is trying to convey. And, I also take time to think about where the message seems to be going and try to gather what the importance of the direction is. I guess I consider this a group effort---me, Spirit, and the larger universe. I do not usually read what I have written for at least a few days and then I am often surprised at whole passages of what I am reading and I have no conscious memory of having written it. I think writing is a very good method of getting in touch with self and with the universe. I highly recommend writing ideas and even sync words and phrases in your phone and starting a writing practice, especially doing so early in the morning when your mind is not filled with the distractions of the day. I like to write in Google Drive and then transferring to Word if I find I want to consider sending something to be considered for publication. You do not have to start with 1,000 words. You can start with 250 or 500, but having a word number goal helps to keep the intuitive and creative juices flowing. If you want more details about how to write intuitively, I recommend checking out my book, Intuitive Writing, which can be found on Amazon.com when you search for my name. That book explains a bit more about writing, but also suggests uses for gaining information from spirit through writing that you may be curious about, including contacting your spirit guide and loved ones who have passed over. But, you can start a writing practice without getting the book, and I encourage you do so because you just never know what is roaming about in your intuitive mind and the universe until you open yourself to writing it down. And it could be some fairly interesting stuff! I think that a major part of pathwork has to do with opening yourself to the information and inspiration of your intuitive mind. It is, after all, connected to your esoteric body, which contains your spirit, and, in that, knows what your life-plan is and the pathwork you are supposed to be pursuing. I sense that will be our next topic. Please visit the Mystic Musings by Tobie Hewitt section of this site to find links to the podcast version of this episode. Welcome to Episode 74 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. It all started, this time, when I went to a poetry reading. The poet, Annette Daniels Taylor, a lively woman with infectious enthusiasm, recommended a book that had changed her life, Write It Down, Make It Happen, by Henriette Anne Klauser. As quickly as possible, I bought and downloaded the book and inhaled it like chocolate mousse cake served on a paper lace doily. Her methods and the stories of the successes of those who had used it to create the lives of their dreams inspired and challenged me beyond measure. This is part of what has changed in my life, this guide of how to create my life as I have always seen it, but failed to manifest. But, between the book and the manifestation of my lifelong dream of living by a river, I have been working hard at weeding out that which I no longer wish to pursue and planting instead the seedlings for the life I will make happen, by writing it down and focusing on ways to create it. For a while, I had become aware that I no longer enjoyed giving readings to others, some of whom, more recently, had become demanding and at times confrontational in ways that made me think I was not so much serving spirit as stroking the egos of others. The psychic fairs had become more and more arduous and no longer felt a necessary aspect of doing my Work for Spirit. I have not yet summoned the need to change the tag at the end of the episodes to remove the offer of readings, and I do recognize that there are those clients for whom I will always be here and for new ones whose needs to speak with departed loved ones are in line with the sort of readings I prefer, and not those who want some sort of prediction of love or career, a prediction that is as good as their desire to work toward those wants, and, indeed, a prediction that is as good for as long as they sit at my table. The minute they get up, the future changes based on whether they choose to pursue what was given or turn away from it. Freewill, being what it is, was another factor in limiting my readings. So, where does that lead me in my path of serving Spirit, which, of course, includes you, my listeners, and those who read my books and other writings. Well, Spirit made it quite clear that it was time to focus on the writing and also on Pathways to Mindfulness presentations, one of which in November helped me to solve the final conundrum of how to energetically connect an audience of more than ten people so as to bring us to the discussion about mindfulness in community. It was so simple, and yet I had missed it. Rather than have the participants connect to each other, I can lead a meditation that will do the same thing, and can be accomplished with much larger groups. The feedback I had gotten from this group was that they would have appreciated more meditations during the presentations, so that is now the path I will take. And what about these episodes? I had wondered if I should continue or not, and then it became obvious that you might gain some useful guidance on how to create the life of your dreams if I share with you my progress in pursuing my pathwork. This does include Mystic Musings as I interact with the universe to bring to this plane that which has always been my vision, along with new ideas that present themselves. I hope you will enjoy this pathwork and, I hope, will look into Henriette Anne Klauser’s book. Its existence is the gift from Spirit, through the poet, for this next phase of my life. So far, I have spent time creating the list of things I wish to manifest, and already I am seeing changes in how I approach and think about each day. As I look out the window at the river and the geese flying over it, I know that we can each create the life we want. It takes vision and it takes action, but the universe conspires to help us on our chosen path. I hope you continue to listen and learn as we continue this Mystic journey. Please visit the Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt section of this site if you would like to listen to this episode as a podcast. |
Tobie HewittWriter, Creative Mystic, Teacher, Consultant, Public Speaker Archives
March 2019