Welcome to Episode 78 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will continue to consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. I am examining my shift in my pathwork to increased and more focused writing, and also as a facilitator of Pathways to Mindfulness presentations, which was created to bring mindfulness into the community. For example, this week I realized if I do not wake up at 5:00 and start writing (after making coffee and feeding the cats), I miss the opportunity to allow the writing to flow easily. I am not awake enough to edit and question what I am writing. I trust in the process and, beyond hoping for the best, trust the writing is serving spirit in one sense or another. Actually, when it is really flowing, I don’t pay much attention, though sometimes I experience surprise at what I see appear on the page. This is a function of trusting my intuition and letting go of the deathgrip control we sometimes try to exert over our actions and reactions in an attempt to have control over every minute of our lives. Sometimes, I have found, it is better to give in to trust and see what happens. I felt compelled this week to order Pathways to Mindfulness business cards, return labels, and stationery. I also created a list of places I want to approach to see if they are interested in hosting the presentations. I intuit that within the next month much progress will be made toward promoting and booking Pathways to Mindfulness and I look forward to moving along my pathwork on this focus. Another shift this week has been a desire to get healthier in preparation for the greater demands on my energies. The reason I am mentioning all of these details of my pathwork is to portray for you the sorts of things that change when your path changes and you dedicate your trust to following your intuition. It is exciting, that feeling of knowing that you are on the path you created for this lifetime, but on the other hand, creating and maintaining physical health is important to this process. I know right now I am edging toward eating more healthfully and putting together an exercise plan that I will stick with. Nothing in this process happens overnight. It is a process. Of course, now that I have written that, I can hear my intuitive mind screaming that there were several weeks of increasing discomfort with how I was living and what I was doing before I accepted the need to change my pathwork. When we first begin to tune in to our intuitive minds, and, therefore into the universe, we will know we are making a real connection by becoming aware of the messages the universe is sending us. These come in various forms and can be perceived in myriad ways. One of my favorite moments of confirmation is when I experience a synch moment, when a word or phrase I am reading or saying is said by someone on the radio or TV. These have been occurring with greater frequency since I shifted on my path, and often the words are those of support. At one point, it seemed that the individual words began to impart a message over time. For those who have missed my explanation of what I do with these sync moments, let me explain that when these occur, I write them in the notes section of my phone, indicating the time and date along with the word or phrase that synced. This record over time, even when it is just a word with no apparent further meaning, gives me a sign from the universe that I am on the right path. I find that the universe gives myriad signs that it exists and does so intelligently and sometimes obviously and is able to communicate with those parts of itself that reside on Earth, as well as, I suppose, on all other planets in all other galaxies in all other universes. As I have said, it is complicated, and, I suppose simple at the same time. It is simple to recognize but complicated to communicate who and what we are in the greater scheme of things. It has to be experienced, because this is not dogma, it is, rather, based in faith and trust. Now, having been basically taken far from my original intent for this episode, because, really, giving up total control based in ego-mind is part of pathwork, I would like to briefly mention a sign the universe provides us, namely the spiral. This past week, one of my writing practice essays dealt with the vortexes on the property on which I live. These vortexes are energies that spiral from the earth upward, providing healing, self-awareness, and cosmic knowledge. People often meditate or do yoga on these sites. I have a favorite here, located between two Black Walnut trees whose branches seem to embrace the energy. I enjoy the feeling of peace and love that fills me as I stand between the trees on the vortex site. But spirals are everywhere. The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical series of numbers that when drawn, create a spiral. It was discovered by Leonardo Pisano Bigollo in the Middle Ages, although the sequence was used in ancient India. The interesting thing about this sequence is that it appears so often in nature, from fiddlehead ferns, to the nautilus shell, to pinecones, to Romanesque broccoli, to galaxies, and many more examples. The spiral exists everywhere, and I believe it is a sign from the universe of the common path we all follow. I believe the spiral is a basic form of the cosmos which echoes the actual structure of the path we follow as well as the larger path. While this is not obvious, this form allows us to experience all time and space in one place and moment. Yes, this is complicated and I am quite sure there are other writers and scientists and metaphysicians who can explain this phenomenon much better than I can, but the important aspect is that the spiral repeats in myriad ways and serves to remind us of that greater universal spirit of which we are a part and through which we created and follow our current path. It occurs to me that Dorothy’s path in the Wizard of Oz begins in the center of a widening spiral. Okay . . . now that is interesting, as her path to return home is really one of self-exploration and self-awareness. I invite you to spend a few minutes this coming week further investigating the Fibonacci sequence and its manifestations on this plane, and perhaps other planes, and of course, vortexes. Please don’t forget to record in your journal the signs you receive from your intuitive mind and, further, the universe, and how you have acted and reacted based on this information. Please visit ww.tobiehewitt.com/mystic-musings-with-tobie-hewitt to hear this and other episodes.
You may be wondering by now, if you are a regular listener, why I am using the political climate to juxtapose esoteric pathwork. Well, because there can be no better example of, first, how the universe creates situations for us to overcome and, in doing so, to learn from, and second because there is much to be gained from watching the ego in action as we develop our intuition. We are preparing for a massive shift in the Earth plane paradigm. We have been wallowing around in the cesspool-like disasters---physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual---of egos gone awry since time became measured by those same egos, i.e., not measured as nature intended, sunrises and sunsets, the year’s seasons, and our lives progressing based on the span of light and dark available to us. No, we needed to impose ourselves on the very measure of time. And those with more nefarious issues of control need to impose their egos on us. And through all this, we, as spirits, are here to learn and grow. And we can take it thoroughly seriously or we can see the humor in muddling through and in the end finally realizing what it was all about. First, we must understand that this is one country on one planet within one universe of many. There are many planes and dimensions. As I have said previously, I am not a physicist, though as the daughter of a paleontologist, I have a certain perspective on the physical world. And my father developed a certain perspective on spirituality---after his passing. He had for years thought what I knew to be true was just silliness, despite being given examples that verified through validated information received that there was, indeed, something after the transition know as death. Well, within hours of his passing he somehow started letting me know I was right and he spent the first year after his passing letting it be known to me that he was not dead in the scientifically accepted sense, i.e., he created manifestations that only he and I would have known were significant, like the appearance of yellow roses on a bush I didn’t even know I had in my garden on significant days during the year. He had given me baby yellow roses on the day I was born. Anything else in this genre would have meant nothing to me. But I digress. There are many more realities than what we are aware of or maybe can even conceive of. When we watch or read science fiction, I sometimes think it is not just interpretation of information but the actual transmission of thought from other dimensions seeping into the welcoming mind of the incarnated creative spirit who is able to capture these ideas in whatever form they are most comfortable and then in some fashion share the images and information they receive. I think sometimes that our need to verify everything in a physical capacity limits our knowledge base because a lot of this information is coming through the intuitive mind, which is not given as much credibility as something we can send a rocket to or which we can place in a test tube and shake to prove it is real. Perhaps our art and our writing is the best communication from these distant places, which may be indeed no further than the space around us, as these dimensions may be layered all around us, and perhaps in us---a part of that vastness lives within us as our spirit. It is complicated, but it bears examination, or lacking that, a measure of thought that could lead us to opening our minds, both ego and intuitive, to a larger reality of which we are a part. The sheer enormity of what surrounds us should, it is hoped, change our perspective of why we are here and why we are experiencing the joys, sorrows, challenges, and successes of our world. I look out the window at the massive amount of snow that has fallen in this past week. Each snowflake is different, but each is a part of the growing snow field that extends from the window where I am working to the river where the geese are gathering. There is a design to be noted. Each snowflake a part of a larger whole. The image of the fibonacci spiral has now entered my mind and I will need to ask further what this means in the current context and perhaps make this idea my next podcast. There is a dynamic plan and the universe leaves signs of order despite apparent (to us) chaos. If we pay attention,we can see that the natural world around us repeats this spiral over and over again, and indeed as well, other signs and ideas. The interconnectedness of trees, for example, also gives us instruction of the individual as part of a much wider whole. As are the trees, we too are all interconnected and, in this, we should be able to work together to create the change we wish to see in the world. But this does not yet seem to be a part of the wider plan. To learn the lessons we are here to learn, we must be challenged in ways we cannot fathom and which seem at times cruel in their manifestation. We are kept unaware about some realities so that we can best learn what we need to know to allow our spirits to grow. Our current political climate and its focus on maintaining inequality serve to increase our need to focus on compassion and empathy toward others, bringing everyone to the table, and allowing us to acknowledge that we are indeed connected, one to the other, like a forest of trees. There is the added balance between what most would consider good and evil, but which I consider the light and the darkness, where the never incarnated entities live and thrive on the fear created by the current situations. They also thrive on the darkness inherent in the ego-driven being. As we move forward through these times, these are more ideas to learn from, and to urge us to increase our individual and communal light. Please visit ww.tobiehewitt.com/mystic-musings-with-tobie-hewitt to this and other episodes. Welcome to Episode 76 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will continue to consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. As I said at the end of last week’s episode, a major part of pathwork has to do with opening yourself to the information and inspiration of your intuitive mind. It is, after all, connected to your esoteric body, which contains your spirit, and, in that, knows what your life-plan is and the pathwork you are supposed to be pursuing. And if you train yourself to listen carefully to your intuition, you will find that your intuition is a part of the creative flow of the universe, and then you will have opened yourself to the guidance necessary to inform the very core of what you are and what your life is supposed to be like. At some point in the last couple of weeks, as I started my daily writing practice of capturing 1000 words, I glanced at the clock. I sometimes like to know how long it takes for me to reach that magic 1000 number. Sometimes it is far less than an hour and sometimes I find I need to get ready for my day, and I finish the writing later. Anyway, as I glanced at the clock, it read 5:55. I have since then run into this series of 5s several times, and I looked up what it meant. One of the meanings offered is that I should expect changes moving me closer to my divine purpose. Well, I think that is a fine and confirming message that I have a divine purpose, which, of course, we all have. There are two ways of thinking---with the ego-mind or with the intuitive-mind. A lot of the events of recent times are occurring because people are thinking with their ego minds and not listening to their intuition. Ego mind’s guidance demands the pursuit of power and the accumulation of wealth. In other words, the over-accumulation of material goods. It has nothing to do with the mindful advancement of the planet, but, rather, the self-centered advancement of the individual, and, in this case, the self-centered advancement of many ego-centric folks. All of this could easily be tempered by simply listening to the intuitive mind, which always works for the greater good. But, how do we open ourselves to the intuitive mind when we have been trained to ignore its messages? People, especially those in authority, like parents and teachers like to tell us as we grow and learn that the only way to succeed is to put one’s nose to the grindstone and work, work, work. We are trained at school in many mundane ideas that we will never use while at the same time we learn nothing about using mindfulness techniques to open ourselves to utilizing the intuition to gain knowledge and inspiration. This, of course, is changing as more and more schools are building mindfulness training into at least a part of the day. Mindfulness keeps us centered and calm, seeking peace and sharing empathy and compassion. I truly hope that this new paradigm grows with these students to create a new way of dealing with stressors and issues that infiltrate our daily lives, and through that, change for the better our nation and the planet. I am very lucky. I have been aware of my intuition and the larger universe with which it is connected from a very early age. I had a spirit guide, Roger, who both taught me and protected me as I grew into being a mystic. I always knew that the best method of learning and coping was to become very calm (I would recognize this as meditation later on) and to listen carefully to the inner voice and the energies of the universe, which guided me as I grew older. I use my intuition for even the simplest things. If I have misplaced something, I always stop, take a calming breath, and say aloud, “Show me where my (whatever it is) is.” This has come in handy as I have moved and many of my belongings are still packed, and I have had little time to unpack. But, I need certain things now and so I ask where a thing is and the location is then flashed into my mind and I go to that spot and open a drawer or a box or lift a haphazardly placed blanket, and there it is. I swear this happens more than you can perhaps imagine, but it is how I run my life. If I need to know where something is, or need some information, I simply ask and I am guided by my intuitive mind, which is connected to the all-knowing, all-seeing universe, and the answer is shown to me. This ability was especially helpful during exams in school when the answer to a question would allude me. I would unobtrusively close my eyes for a moment, take a calming breath, and ask the universe for help. Oftentimes, this answer was something I know I did not learn, but it would pop into my head and I would indicate that answer and it was invariably correct. Now, some may say this is cheating, but I don’t think it is cheating to ask the universe for help in any circumstance. Surely you have moments of knowing. Perhaps you knew who was calling you when the phone rang, or maybe knew you were going to run into someone who had been on your mind. Or said in exasperation, Where is my hairbrush (or whatever)? and then felt led to exactly where you find it. Asking the universe for help is your way of tuning your intuition into the vibrational pathway, otherwise known as the interdependent web, which holds the answer. It does take practice, but mostly it takes trust in something unseen that interacts with something seen in order to provide you with the desired knowledge. When I prepare these episodes, it is a group effort. I am always listening for the guidance on which direction to go with the topic and once that is in place, I receive the words that flow from the universe through my intuitive mind, into my physical mind and can be utilized by my fingers as I type them on the keyboard. Which reminds me to mention further the esoteric body and your path. The esoteric body is formed as your spirit begins to enter your new body as you incarnate. It consists of layers of energy that both protect the spirit inhabiting a body but also communicates vibrationally between the physical body and the spiritual body, which I know sounds like a circular definition, but it is a larger topic than is needed for this discussion of intuition. The ego mind is part of the physical body’s mind and the intuitive mind is part of the spiritual body’s mind. Before you begin a new incarnation, you and your guides discuss what you need to learn in this new life, and build a plan for you to follow. When you are born, for quite a while, you remember details of the plan and I often think a lot of a baby’s crying is due to the desire to get on with the plan. Of course, one must relearn how to move the physical body and to talk, etc. The plan becomes a subliminal framework that your spirit and intuition know, but your physical body and mind do not. Sometimes, you will have a flash of a place you have never been but you feel a strong urge to visit or even move there. Once in the location, you will experience a sense of familiarity. You will know this is where you are meant to be at that moment. Of course this can be as small as walking into a library, being drawn to a shelf, and finding a book that you recognize will answer a question you have, or as large as what happened to me when I first drove onto the property on which I now live. I recognized it immediately. I had seen it intuitively for years, right down to the gently rising knoll before I saw the flowing river beside which I am now writing. Of course, the recognition of a place you have never been to can also be explained by having been there in a previous lifetime. More on that in a future episode. The more we train ourselves to listen to our intuition, the more help we can receive from the universe. This training can take the form of daily meditation, reading about the development of the intuitive mind, beginning to test your trust in information that you receive, and, through daily writing, beginning to write out questions and feel yourself writing down answers you did not know you knew. Developing our intuition is the basis for being able to pursue our pathwork with purpose and clarity. And I am glad you are here with me as we both journey on our paths. If you have questions or experiences you would like to share, please write to me through the contact page on my website, TobieHewitt.com. Please visit the Mystic Musings by Tobie Hewitt section of this site to find links to the podcast version of this episode. Welcome to Episode 75 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will continue to consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. One of the ways I knew things were changing, as I said last week, was when I wanted to curtail my readings. But how did I determine that this was the correct path to take? I take helping other people learn about themselves as individual spirits connected to the oneness of the Creative Spirit very seriously. How could I stop doing this? Giving readings had become, in many ways uncomfortable mentally and even physically, as the idea alone would sap my energy. I finally sat down and spoke with those spirits I know are around me, Roger and Nakoma, and I could sense there were others who wanted to have input. I sensed that the consensus was that I needed to take a break, at the very least from the stress that the readings were now filling me with. I felt a bit guilty for a while, but then, having made the decision, I realized that it didn’t mean ALL readings FOREVER. It meant taking a break, for some indeterminate amount of time, from giving readings. Of course, that is when a client I have read for for 14 years called for her yearly check in. I will schedule her when I feel more centered to do so. She understands. In the meantime, I also realized that some things, activities I normally procrastinate about, were happening without much effort at all. I became aware that there seemed to be a sense of an awareness of a feeling leading me to do or not to do something with an insistence I had not experienced before on such a regular basis. I knew part of this was my intuition tuning in to what I wanted rather than what I felt I needed to do to fulfill some aspect of self. It meant that my recognition of self changed into the one I had always envisioned, but never quite had the wherewithal to pursue. There is a questioning that takes place and sometimes the answer occurs immediately and sometimes after a few days. It is a feeling of rightness, some of which occurs when I write down in my journal what it is I want and then see if that rings true. Also, I have gotten sync moments when a word or phrase is expressed in two different ways, say reading it and hearing it simultaneously on the radio or tv. Confirmation never takes very long, but it takes some practice to live this way continually. One thing that occurs to let me know I am fulfilling both my desires and those of the universe, is that the way is made easy. For example, writing these new episodes has become quite easy, words flowing and ideas being captured without much effort whatsoever. When life begins to flow smoothly, like the river outside my window, I know that I am fulfilling the vision for my life I established before I incarnated into this life. I have resumed daily writing practice. This means, I sit down at somewhat the same time every day, approximately between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m., and write. I aim for 1,000 words, which I know sounds like a lot, but I write very quickly, especially as I am helped by Spirit. I am usually done within an hour. I may select a topic from my growing list of ideas that I save in my phone’s notes section, or take a few deep breaths and start wherever I am supposed to start, which I know sounds a little bewildering, but it is truly the best way to start and to continue. I turn off ego-mind and tune in to intuition-mind. It is like stream-of-consciousness writing, but, unlike that writing practice, I do pause and pay attention to what the universe is trying to convey. And, I also take time to think about where the message seems to be going and try to gather what the importance of the direction is. I guess I consider this a group effort---me, Spirit, and the larger universe. I do not usually read what I have written for at least a few days and then I am often surprised at whole passages of what I am reading and I have no conscious memory of having written it. I think writing is a very good method of getting in touch with self and with the universe. I highly recommend writing ideas and even sync words and phrases in your phone and starting a writing practice, especially doing so early in the morning when your mind is not filled with the distractions of the day. I like to write in Google Drive and then transferring to Word if I find I want to consider sending something to be considered for publication. You do not have to start with 1,000 words. You can start with 250 or 500, but having a word number goal helps to keep the intuitive and creative juices flowing. If you want more details about how to write intuitively, I recommend checking out my book, Intuitive Writing, which can be found on Amazon.com when you search for my name. That book explains a bit more about writing, but also suggests uses for gaining information from spirit through writing that you may be curious about, including contacting your spirit guide and loved ones who have passed over. But, you can start a writing practice without getting the book, and I encourage you do so because you just never know what is roaming about in your intuitive mind and the universe until you open yourself to writing it down. And it could be some fairly interesting stuff! I think that a major part of pathwork has to do with opening yourself to the information and inspiration of your intuitive mind. It is, after all, connected to your esoteric body, which contains your spirit, and, in that, knows what your life-plan is and the pathwork you are supposed to be pursuing. I sense that will be our next topic. Please visit the Mystic Musings by Tobie Hewitt section of this site to find links to the podcast version of this episode. Welcome to Episode 74 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider Pathwork as we continue our mystic journey. It all started, this time, when I went to a poetry reading. The poet, Annette Daniels Taylor, a lively woman with infectious enthusiasm, recommended a book that had changed her life, Write It Down, Make It Happen, by Henriette Anne Klauser. As quickly as possible, I bought and downloaded the book and inhaled it like chocolate mousse cake served on a paper lace doily. Her methods and the stories of the successes of those who had used it to create the lives of their dreams inspired and challenged me beyond measure. This is part of what has changed in my life, this guide of how to create my life as I have always seen it, but failed to manifest. But, between the book and the manifestation of my lifelong dream of living by a river, I have been working hard at weeding out that which I no longer wish to pursue and planting instead the seedlings for the life I will make happen, by writing it down and focusing on ways to create it. For a while, I had become aware that I no longer enjoyed giving readings to others, some of whom, more recently, had become demanding and at times confrontational in ways that made me think I was not so much serving spirit as stroking the egos of others. The psychic fairs had become more and more arduous and no longer felt a necessary aspect of doing my Work for Spirit. I have not yet summoned the need to change the tag at the end of the episodes to remove the offer of readings, and I do recognize that there are those clients for whom I will always be here and for new ones whose needs to speak with departed loved ones are in line with the sort of readings I prefer, and not those who want some sort of prediction of love or career, a prediction that is as good as their desire to work toward those wants, and, indeed, a prediction that is as good for as long as they sit at my table. The minute they get up, the future changes based on whether they choose to pursue what was given or turn away from it. Freewill, being what it is, was another factor in limiting my readings. So, where does that lead me in my path of serving Spirit, which, of course, includes you, my listeners, and those who read my books and other writings. Well, Spirit made it quite clear that it was time to focus on the writing and also on Pathways to Mindfulness presentations, one of which in November helped me to solve the final conundrum of how to energetically connect an audience of more than ten people so as to bring us to the discussion about mindfulness in community. It was so simple, and yet I had missed it. Rather than have the participants connect to each other, I can lead a meditation that will do the same thing, and can be accomplished with much larger groups. The feedback I had gotten from this group was that they would have appreciated more meditations during the presentations, so that is now the path I will take. And what about these episodes? I had wondered if I should continue or not, and then it became obvious that you might gain some useful guidance on how to create the life of your dreams if I share with you my progress in pursuing my pathwork. This does include Mystic Musings as I interact with the universe to bring to this plane that which has always been my vision, along with new ideas that present themselves. I hope you will enjoy this pathwork and, I hope, will look into Henriette Anne Klauser’s book. Its existence is the gift from Spirit, through the poet, for this next phase of my life. So far, I have spent time creating the list of things I wish to manifest, and already I am seeing changes in how I approach and think about each day. As I look out the window at the river and the geese flying over it, I know that we can each create the life we want. It takes vision and it takes action, but the universe conspires to help us on our chosen path. I hope you continue to listen and learn as we continue this Mystic journey. Please visit the Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt section of this site if you would like to listen to this episode as a podcast. Welcome to Episode 69 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider the Mystical Aspects of Voting as we continue our mystic journey. I can hear some of you asking why a woman who prides herself on knowing she is a spiritual girl in a physical world is veering off the path of all things mystical, magical, and miraculous. Well, right now, it is more important to state the truth than to adhere to a theme. I promise something more in keeping with the spiritual side of life next week. For this week, I feel the need to speak about what being spiritual beings in physical bodies means. It means we are here on this planet to learn lessons and to try to focus these lessons on raising the vibration of ourselves and those around us. For example, we practice compassion and empathy when we see someone else suffering and we offer help and solace. We practice our oneness when we create a community of inclusion and love. These simple acts raise the positive energies in and around us and allow us to grow through our time on this planet. Which is the point of being here. The point is not to make other people suffer for our own enrichment. We may be having a physical experience, but we can take nothing physical with us when we end this incarnation and return home to the Spirit plane. This is not part of the paradigm. The lessons we learn about compassion, empathy, and love are the ones we can easily move through that needle through which the camel cannot pass. Which analogy brings me to another salient point. The dogma espoused in all formal religions often misses the important aspect that we are all spirits and that, in being so, we are more than the rules and regulations that are created by those who, for good or not, instituted these formal doctrines to bring people together, not necessarily for spiritual growth but for other aspects of growth not necessarily conducive to the wellbeing of our highest selves. What is often missing is the call to seek knowledge of our spirit through the pursuit of mindfulness, both individually and in community. Understanding we are, above all, spirits currently inhabiting different bodies but, indeed, one larger community within the interdependent web, gives us the impetus to make sure everyone comes to the table with equal opportunity for nurturing and growth. Dogma does not do that. Acknowledgement of a shared origination does that. The differences being used to try to divide us are illusions meant to encourage learning, not distrust and denigration. We are one and we need to understand that seeking the greatest good for all means that we all raise our vibrations in and through the energy of love. So, what does all this have to do with voting? We are currently being represented in this country by those whose egos and avarice are being fed through our reluctance to fight back against this off-the-tracks wildly veering train. We need to regain control of our government before it is too late, because I prefer to think that doing so is the lesson here and not returning to the 1930s and 40s fascist mentality that cost the loss of many lives. We were supposed to learn a lesson, one of not allowing evil to triumph over good. We are not supposed to continually repeat history and its negative consequences. We are here to create a world that more closely resembles that of the spiritual plane, where right triumphs over might and love wins over hate. We are all, each one of us, spirits having a physical experience. Your call to experience is to vote on Tuesday, November 6. Your call is to change the current paradigm and in so doing to be the change you wish to see in this world. Please vote. Namaste! Each week I will post the transcript of my podcast episode for the convenience of those who do not listen to the podcast or would like a printed version. Welcome to Episode 68 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider the Interdependent Web as we continue our mystic journey. One of the most important things I have learned this past year of, at times, intensively giving psychic medium readings and taking part in psychic fairs is that the message behind the reading is often more important than the reading itself. When I receive verifiable information from a loved one on the other side of the veil and share it with my client, I am proving that there is no death, there are no dead. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. That’s it. I know the messages give comfort. I know that information gathered from Spirit gives guidance for life paths, but this information is always tempered by the incarnate person’s free will, which can change a reading the moment they stand up and leave my presence. Perhaps the information inspires or gives solace, but, in the end, it is little more than a snapshot in a moment in time of what could be, not what will be, and so, while entertaining and perhaps inspiring, this portion of a reading is very unsatisfying to deliver because I know it has limited value as a predictor of action and fulfillment. But, the first part, connecting to spirits and proving the truth of our existence has far ranging benefit not only for the client, but for the larger community and, it is hoped, the world. When we know we are here to experience and learn and then return to our true home, it changes, or, at least should change, the paradigm within which rests our perspective of what we do and what others do that affects our lives. Current events challenge our sensibilities in ways unfathomable previously, at least in my present lifetime. The harshness, the cruelty, the unjustness of the actions and beliefs seem to tear at the very fabric of our lives and cause many to sink into distress and depression. But, here is the lesson: it is all a lesson, difficult at times, but in being so, all the more important to face and then to take action to counter and temper these negative vibrations with positive ones that we continuously strengthen while our spirits walk on this plane, on this planet. We are being called to learn and to respond by whatever name you call that larger being, but which I call the Creative Spirit. That being, that loving and creative spirit, is asking us to learn how to combat hate with love, both being energies that have much power, but the former is human created and the latter was created in the moment of that larger creation on and within which the Interdependent Web resides. The despicable demise of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the sending of live pipe bombs to those with whom someone disagrees and inspired by those in power, and the mass murder at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, these are only the most recent and most visible examples of the depths to which the negative energies are reaching to change the nature of the world around us. These negative energies, as has been discussed in previous episodes and in my book What Now? A survival guide for the spirit in challenging times, have been created by those whose thirst for power and money vitalized their egos in the most negative ways possible. Living in the dark and lower realms of this planet, these energies have challenged us since the consciousness of greed and superiority manifested in tangible and destructive ways. Our job, our continuing and every-present call to act, is to counter with love, compassion, and empathy toward everyone we meet. By taking up this sword of right, rather than might, we will learn how to counter those who feed on the negative and are attempting to make that the climate in which we live. We are not helpless lemmings. We have choices to use our hearts and minds to heal the encroaching darkness. We can speak out and act to change the paradigm to one that focuses on nurturing of each other and the planet. In this current moment, that means we can seek out representation in this country by those who seek to foster that nurturing spirit and help protect us and the planet on which we reside. Please take a moment on November 6 to vote for those who live in and of the energy of love. Each week I will post the transcript of my podcast episode for the convenience of those who do not listen to the podcast or would like a printed version. Welcome to Episode 67 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider Transformation as we continue our mystic journey. This week the Ash card was selected from The Voice of the Trees oracle deck created by Mickie Mueller. This deck is based on the meanings and guidance imparted by trees as interpreted through Celtic tree energy. The Ash represents transformation and action. When we think of transformation, we can think of that occurring within an individual, within a community, or even globally. It speaks of a metamorphosis from one manifestation of a physical object or idea or belief or even behavior, into another. A very positive example is that of the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. A very negative one is the destructive transformation of the delicately balanced ecosystems of the planet into imbalance, bringing on droughts, floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes. On a personal level, we can strive to transform ourselves physically, mentally, or emotionally into a manifestation more in keeping with the vision we have of ourselves. We can adopt a healthier lifestyle or seek to gain knowledge in an area that has become of interest to us. We can seek the guidance of a therapist in order to heal emotional wounds or to gain insight into aspects of ourselves that we feel need examination and understanding. When we are creative, we transform different elements into something that didn't exist before. We can take a lump of clay and fashion it into a cup that becomes both a work of art and a useful object. We can create a new technology to fulfill a need, for example, wind turbines or new ways of procuring water from the earth to sustain those without clean water sources. We can think individually or in community of new ways to create change in our society to make it one of a more equal and sustaining life for the All. In doing so, we may need to transform our conception and understanding of those who are not exact replicas of ourselves by broadening our connection to those outside our immediate community. This is one of the most important aspects of transformation that we need to pursue as we once again find ourselves in an environment that fosters an “us versus them” mentality that oozes into destructive practices that threaten to tear apart the world. Transformation takes effort. Even the caterpillar needs to expend energy to weave it chrysalis. And it needs to practice patience as it changes into the butterfly, and then more energy is expended as it exits its space of transformation and flies away. We transform from babies to toddlers to youngsters and teens and beyond. With each physical change we change mentally and emotionally. And, to begin with, we transform from a spirit to a physical being to a spirit. We exist before entering our physical body as spirit, knowing our essential being as the truth of our existence. We make a plan for the next life and, once we have incarnated, we hold onto that information for the duration of our time of physical limitation and communication. If we are lucky, we remember bits and pieces of the time before, but usually, we forget this information as we become comfortable in our body and learn to move and communicate. This transformation separates us from the knowledge we carry, and every transformation we experience for the remainder of our physical lifetime becomes something new rather than something we remember as a part of a plan. As we prepare for the transformation, or transition, back to our spiritual being solely, this lack of knowledge and awareness fills many with feelings of dread and fear. As the time for this transition becomes closer, many feel the familiar presence of those we once knew who have passed over and they help to guide us through the process. Actually, I think we have an intrinsic recognition of the process of the caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly. Deep inside our core of being, our spirit knows it is in a chrysalis type form as we traverse the physical plane and then it is released from the physical as it flies free to return to the spirit home. This week, try to think of ways you can pursue positive transformation in your life. Do something creative artistically or join others in action to create a change you would like to see in the world. Please join me next week for episode 68 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt, when Spirit will surprise us with new ideas as we continue our mystic journey. Each week I will post the transcript of my podcast episode for the convenience of those who do not listen to the podcast or would like a printed version. Welcome to Episode 66 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider Volatility as we continue our mystic journey. This week I was given the Volcano card from The Earth Magic Oracle Cards created by Steven D. Farmer. This 48-card oracle deck is beautiful and speaks to our connection with the universe around us, especially that small portion on which we live. The Volcano speaks of volatility, and there is certainly a lot of that around us at this time. The Volcano, through its vital volatility spews energies from deep within the earth in the form of lava. As the lava spreads across everything in it path it both destroys and creates. I think this speaks deeply of what we are going through at this time. While the governmental and societal volcanoes continue to erupt, we are experiencing both destruction of patterns of life we believed were solid beneath us and the creation of new understandings of community and our individual power within that community. We have come to realize that there is, festering beneath the surface of our society, a venomous hatred and ignorant bigotry bred of fear and insecurity. Those who have shown us, through the representation of their sensibilities, the darker sides of our country, are deeply in need of healing. Both the expression of their destructive energies and the forces of love that oppose these are creating a new path for the country and the planet. An idea that presented itself to me this week that had escaped my understanding was that those in our government are not our leaders but, rather, our representatives. This is a very important difference to grasp. They are there to represent us and our desires for a better country and planet. They are not there to lead us in an ego-driven manner into their vision of what this country stands and works for. Taking in this differential clarified the importance of the involvement of every citizen in the process of electing those who best represent our perceptions of what would truly serve the greater good. This was truly a moment that caused deep reflection on my part. We are going through this time, those of us who believe in the largest and most positive sense of community, in order to clarify and hone the best path for the betterment of the All. I know I say this a lot, but of course this is the very essence of the messages I am given: we are indeed spirits having a physical experience. This is not our home. This is a school, a place of learning of those ideas and actions that are not a part of the spirit plane and offer us the lessons that can best achieve the growth that the Creative Spirit, of which we are an integral part, wishes us to learn. While it would be nice to be able to gather together simply in peaceful and loving solidarity and practice meditation and positive modalities, the fact is that there is a segment that needs to be brought on board with the rest of us. These folks, who apparently have been schooled by the negative elemental energies that they have created and perpetuated, need to be helped to see the truth of our reality. They are not just flesh and bones who need to express hatred and bigotry as they try to assuage their fear of losing something actually intangible. The belief that there is a hierarchy of superiority based on the physical attributes of themselves and others is nonsensical in the cosmic reality. Our essence as spirit speaks to the truth that we are all One and that none of us takes our physical body at the end of this earthly experience when we return to the spirit plane. This current volcanic eruption, indeed a continuing series of eruptions, is part of the reason we are here. To learn to heal through love those who live in fear and foster disruption of the flow of positive energies. There is so much cruelty spewing forth from those who insist on living in the darkness it is sometimes difficult to see the amazing light of kindness and love that still surrounds us all. Our lesson is to continue to strive to spread the light as far as we can so that others can see and feel the love that flows within and around them. And, in addition, we can work toward changing the current paradigm of misguided leadership by those in power to one of representation of us. The volcano destroys and creates. Let us hope and work toward the destruction of the dark forces that threaten us and work toward the creation of a new, more loving world. This week the Beech card was selected from The Voice of the Trees oracle deck created by Mickie Mueller. This deck is based on the meanings and guidance imparted by trees as interpreted through Celtic tree energy. The beech represents experience and its aspects of learning from the past, experiencing in the present, and sharing this knowledge with others. One rather apt quote for these times comes from George Santayana: “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” In the last century, millions of people experienced the horrors of ego-driven tyranny and the result of relinquishing the will of the people for good. For reasons I still do not understand, we are currently living in a society whose leadership is driven by adherence to the belief that money and dogmatic myth serve the masses, while, indeed, these only serve a very few. Those of us who believe in a wider and higher reality are left to gather around the campfire of social media or, if we are lucky, with others in physical community to ward off the worst intentions of the least aware of the true nature of spirit. Experience teaches us not to put our hand in a fire, to avoid walking in front of moving cars, to turn the pot handle inward when cooking. Experience also teaches us the pleasure of a warm hug, a friendly smile imparted without cause, and gestures of love and solace for others. Our experience teaches us that kindness does more to build connections than any other single intent. To do all things with a measure of kindness forges an awareness of the similarities between us, rather than what might otherwise divide us. The problems we are currently experiencing are caused by the lack of kindness from many in power. Kindness is bred in the spirit, while power of the kind we are experiencing is bred from the ego, that says, “me first always.” Kindness allows us to build communities that are productive for the good of the All and reaches out to the few who live in the darkness and invites them in. Experience informs us of when we are adhering to our pathwork and when we are veering off into a realm that does not meet our best interests and our highest good. When we do not pay attention to our physical, mental, and emotional needs, we know from experience that we will not enjoy optimal wellness. This past week I have focused more than usual on my aspect as spirit first. I have remembered from experience that I am here to learn lessons and, in turn, to teach those lessons to others. In other words, I have used mindfulness as a way of centering my focus on my true self and then tried, strengthened by that awareness and knowledge, to connect with and help others see their own spirit and, further, how all of us are connected through the interdependent web. It is hard in these recent days to remember that this too shall pass, that we are spirits first, that we are here to learn lessons and then we will return to our home on the spirit plane. In flashes of memory of that space, we can access our experience there, the peace and love that are the basis for community, and bring that into the physical plane to serve the greater good. Every experience we have as spiritual beings having a physical experience and while able to remember, if but briefly, the other side, is there to further provide us with knowledge we can pass on to others. My experience is that many people are thirsty for this knowledge, especially with the inexplicable situation we find ourselves in as citizens. The more we can work together to share the awareness gained through the experiences we have had individually, the more we can strengthen our bonds, and, yes, our power, as a community built on kindness, light, and love. This week, please practice mindfulness. Sit, even briefly in meditation. Walk in community with others, if but unobtrusively, and share the feeling of love and kindness with everyone you meet. I like to smile at each person as I pass them on the street. Sometimes they ignore me, but other times they smile back and we say hello. Once in a while, the smile sparks a brief conversation with the other person, creating a connection that would otherwise be lost in the hurry to get to our separate destinations. I share the experience of smiling at others to encourage you to try it yourself. With each smile, you are experiencing this same moment of trust and community and, hopefully, the person you smile at will pass it on. So it is with experience, which can either be harsh and cruel, or delightful and inspiring. Let us all choose to approach experience with an open and loving heart, and then pass it on with a smile. Namaste! |
Tobie HewittWriter, Creative Mystic, Teacher, Consultant, Public Speaker Archives
March 2019