Each week I will post the transcript of my podcast episode for the convenience of those who do not listen to the podcast or would like a printed version. Welcome to Episode 66 of Mystic Musings with Tobie Hewitt. This week we will consider Volatility as we continue our mystic journey. This week I was given the Volcano card from The Earth Magic Oracle Cards created by Steven D. Farmer. This 48-card oracle deck is beautiful and speaks to our connection with the universe around us, especially that small portion on which we live. The Volcano speaks of volatility, and there is certainly a lot of that around us at this time. The Volcano, through its vital volatility spews energies from deep within the earth in the form of lava. As the lava spreads across everything in it path it both destroys and creates. I think this speaks deeply of what we are going through at this time. While the governmental and societal volcanoes continue to erupt, we are experiencing both destruction of patterns of life we believed were solid beneath us and the creation of new understandings of community and our individual power within that community. We have come to realize that there is, festering beneath the surface of our society, a venomous hatred and ignorant bigotry bred of fear and insecurity. Those who have shown us, through the representation of their sensibilities, the darker sides of our country, are deeply in need of healing. Both the expression of their destructive energies and the forces of love that oppose these are creating a new path for the country and the planet. An idea that presented itself to me this week that had escaped my understanding was that those in our government are not our leaders but, rather, our representatives. This is a very important difference to grasp. They are there to represent us and our desires for a better country and planet. They are not there to lead us in an ego-driven manner into their vision of what this country stands and works for. Taking in this differential clarified the importance of the involvement of every citizen in the process of electing those who best represent our perceptions of what would truly serve the greater good. This was truly a moment that caused deep reflection on my part. We are going through this time, those of us who believe in the largest and most positive sense of community, in order to clarify and hone the best path for the betterment of the All. I know I say this a lot, but of course this is the very essence of the messages I am given: we are indeed spirits having a physical experience. This is not our home. This is a school, a place of learning of those ideas and actions that are not a part of the spirit plane and offer us the lessons that can best achieve the growth that the Creative Spirit, of which we are an integral part, wishes us to learn. While it would be nice to be able to gather together simply in peaceful and loving solidarity and practice meditation and positive modalities, the fact is that there is a segment that needs to be brought on board with the rest of us. These folks, who apparently have been schooled by the negative elemental energies that they have created and perpetuated, need to be helped to see the truth of our reality. They are not just flesh and bones who need to express hatred and bigotry as they try to assuage their fear of losing something actually intangible. The belief that there is a hierarchy of superiority based on the physical attributes of themselves and others is nonsensical in the cosmic reality. Our essence as spirit speaks to the truth that we are all One and that none of us takes our physical body at the end of this earthly experience when we return to the spirit plane. This current volcanic eruption, indeed a continuing series of eruptions, is part of the reason we are here. To learn to heal through love those who live in fear and foster disruption of the flow of positive energies. There is so much cruelty spewing forth from those who insist on living in the darkness it is sometimes difficult to see the amazing light of kindness and love that still surrounds us all. Our lesson is to continue to strive to spread the light as far as we can so that others can see and feel the love that flows within and around them. And, in addition, we can work toward changing the current paradigm of misguided leadership by those in power to one of representation of us. The volcano destroys and creates. Let us hope and work toward the destruction of the dark forces that threaten us and work toward the creation of a new, more loving world.
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Tobie HewittWriter, Creative Mystic, Teacher, Consultant, Public Speaker Archives
March 2019