Physical objects retain vibrations imbued with memory of things past and those things that have not yet happened (remember—all time is now, despite the illusion of linearity). Because of this retention, the practice of psychometry is possible. Psychometry is the ability to hold an object worn or held by an individual for an extended period of time and perceive information from the item that is then shared with the person. Metal items seem to retain these memories best, but any material will hold some level of memory vibration. Psychometry also allows those who practice it to help connect to victims of crime or those who are missing. All vibrations retain information that is accessible through perceiving the knowledge they contain through the energy of love. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento)
Time appears linear and the measurement of time seems exact. A minute is a minute. An hour is 60 minutes. Yet, the perception of time changes depending on what is filling it. A class you do not enjoy may drag on seemingly forever. An enjoyable dinner out with friends may seem to pass all too quickly. In reality time is more like a spiral that allows for more than one moment in time to exist in the same space of awareness. When we recognize that time and space are illusions, we can begin to practice the blessing of patience by being here now. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. No matter what form that physical expression takes, we are all spiritual beings. To spirits, race, color, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation, or other physical attributes are no more important or divisive than having a wardrobe composed of different pieces of clothing in different hues. What appears to divide us on the physical plane are simply differences created to serve as learning modalities. Can we learn to embrace our differences and overcome whatever it is in these that divides us? Our spiritual evolution depends on learning through our physical differences. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) Spirit intuitives are aware of spirits on both sides of the veil. While they can serve as a medium, who primarily communicates with discarnate spirits, they can also touch in with spirits who are incarnate. Sometimes this means simply recognizing the physical or emotional state of another person, but it also can involve serving as an empath, one who physically, mentally, or emotionally feels the need of another person and then serves as a conduit of healing or comfort. Both spirit intuitives and mediums are often called upon to serve during paranormal investigations and will help lost spirits to find their way to the other side of the veil. They are also able to help a sitter discern aspects of his or her life path. Until we evolve as spiritual beings able to communicate while incarnate, mediums and spirit intuitives can help facilitate communication between spirits. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) A spirit intuitive is similar to a medium. A medium primarily communicates with spirits who are on the other side of the veil, i.e., those who have transitioned from physical life, or those who are preparing to reenter physical bodies. Most of the time, an incarnate person will seek out a medium in order to establish communication with a loved one who has passed over to the other side of the veil. The medium must not only find the desired spirit, but must gain verifiable information about that spirit in order for the communication to be successful. In a séance, a medium serves as a conduit between a circle of sitters and the spirits who wish to visit with them. Mediums serve as communication conduits between incarnate and discarnate spirits. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) A person in a coma or other altered state of awareness from which he or she is unable to communicate utilizing their physical being will sometimes attempt to make contact with another person via the spiritual plane. While this could be a loved one who might not recognize the communication as such, a spirit intuitive might be found by the person’s spirit and communication may be more successful. Of course, it is not often the spirit intuitive will recognize the person; the message is sent more like a randomly occurring SOS, but the spirit intuitive will be able to help the spirit to seek other spirits and guides who will help them decide a course of action that is appropriate for their physical circumstances. Sometimes the person’s spirit will be guided to stay in the body in order to continue on their current path through the physical plane and other times they will be helped to cross over. Spirit intuitives serve as conduits of communication and information between incarnate and discarnate spirits. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” —Albert Einstein I believe that the pen is mightier than the sword and that what is written can change the hearts and minds of the masses. Communicating truth through the imagination can open up a new way of seeing, thinking, and being. As “alternative facts” spread, it is imperative that the creatives among us rise up and shine the truth through their pens, or their paint brushes, or their dance. Please be a part of the change, the positive change in the world. No matter how small the result, allow your imagination to flow into a creative expression of love. Namaste! One does not need to know spirits personally, either incarnate or discarnate, to receive/perceive useful and verifiable information about them. For example, when a friend’s in-law is transitioning to the other side of the veil, it is entirely possible to perceive information regarding that person and their progress in transitioning. Sometimes patients in coma who are deciding which direction to go will contact a spirit intuitive to consult with. When this happens, since this is not the purview of a spirit intuitive or medium, the spirit intuitive will try to find or ask the spirit to find someone the person knows in spirit to consult for guidance. Information gained regarding a person who is transitioning who is not known to the intuitive can be shared and, if verified, provide solace and comfort as those grieving adjust to their loved one’s passing. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) What we mourn as a loss, spirits on the other side of the veil celebrate as a homecoming. Their loved one has rejoined them. Interaction and communication are strengthened. When spirits transition from the physical to non-physical plane, loved ones are there to meet and greet them. They are embraced and welcomed, as would be one who has been gone for a time and now returns. The frustration of incomplete communication is ended and there is much catching up to do. When we can celebrate the transition of a loved one as do those on the other side of the veil, we will release the fear of “death.” Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) The physical plane is a place of growth and learning, but by its nature it is always changing and evolving. Nothing physical on this plane is permanent yet its essence continues to exist forever on the other side of the veil. This essence vibrates at a rate that is visible as radiating light of varied intensity. The grass really is greener and more vibrant on the other side, and we can get glimpses in the right light or as children of the essence that sustains and informs each blade. Energy that coalesces buildings and man-made objects and structures continues even though the physical object dissipates its form, releasing the energy back into the interdependent web to be used for other forms, both physical and non-physical. The essential energy used to create life and form exists forever as an expression of the Creative Spirit. Namaste! to join my mailing list. (Art by Joy Argento) |
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